La decisione del Mediatore europeo del 25 gennaio 2013: un passo avanti verso un’applicazione efficace dell’art. 17 del Trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea? - di Marcello Toscano

SOMMARIO: 1. I fatti e il contenzioso – 2. La decisione del Mediatore – 3. Profili di criticità di una pronuncia (utile ma) non risolutiva – 4. (segue) Una valutazione d’insieme – 5. Conclusioni: il futuro del dialogo ex art. 17 TFUE (e le nuove linee-guida della Commissione).

ABSTRACT : The essay analyzes the decision of the European Ombudsman of 25 January 2013, in a case where it was found maladministration by the European Commission, which has made a mistake in interpreting Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Based on this ruling, the author performs some thoughts on the meaning and scope of Article 17 TFEU and reconstructs a reading of this provision that is quite different from that which the European institutions often seem to accept.